Bomber Jacket 'Rame' without hood - padded
Normale prijs €139100% Recycled Fabrics • Unique in Colour and Print • Ethically Handmade • Eco-friendly • Vegan Materials
“Rame: a Balinese word which is used to describe something that is both chaotic and joyful at the same time”
Alright, we are proud of this one! It’s the best bomber jacket we could imagine,it looks so awesome! It's nice and big and super comfy, and has everything you could be looking for in a bomber: a sturdy YKK zipper, elastic on the bottom to make for a snug fit on the hips, cute coconut buttons to close the sleeves, it’s got pockets and even a secret pocket on the inside!
Besides looking amazing, it’s made from all repurposed materials. All the fabrics used are forgotten, rejected or vintage fabrics that we have collected ourselves by hand and heart and turned into an eco-friendly piece of art unlike any other - truly, you’ll never be able to find or make a jacket exactly like this one: this bomber is unique, just like you.
We spend a lot of time and thought into making them so they fit bodies in as many shapes and sizes as possible. Of course this piece would look different on every body; more oversized in the lower sizes and a snugger fit in the upper sizes. We're really quite proud of our designs, and we hope you'll love wearing them.
Unique clothing - only one piece like this in the world!
Uma Nomad is a sustainable fashion brand and we make our clothing only from vintage and second-hand fabrics. Because we can only make 1 piece out of every fabric we repurpose, all our clothing is truly unique in colour and print.
Eco-friendly fashion:
Repurposing and upcycling old fabrics is an eco-friendly move, as new fabrics don’t have to be manufactured and by reusing these beautiful discarded materials they don’t end up in landfill. Besides that we make all our clothing on solar power, we have a zero waste policy, and more! If you'd like to read more about our Ethical and Sustainable business practices, do have a look here!
(Almost) every day a new collection of unique pieces:
Our clothing is unique, and they go fast! So we (try to) post a brand new collection of clothing in unique colours and designs on our website, every day of the week.
Viscose or Rayon
Because this garment is made from recycled vintage and second hand fabrics that we collect from all over the world, it's really hard to decide the exact composition of every fabric we repurpose. We hope you can forgive us for this. Having said that, most of the fabrics we use are either Viscose or Rayon.
We only select the most beautiful and comfortable feeling materials. - After all these years we've gotten really good at this!
Made to fit sizes XS to L
The sister in this picture is 170 mete
Bomber Jacket 'Rame' without hood - padded
Normale prijs €139100% Recycled Fabrics • Unique in Colour and Print • Ethically Handmade • Eco-friendly • Vegan Materials
“Rame: a Balinese word which is used to describe something that is both chaotic and joyful at the same time”
Alright, we are proud of this one! It’s the best bomber jacket we could imagine,it looks so awesome! It's nice and big and super comfy, and has everything you could be looking for in a bomber: a sturdy YKK zipper, elastic on the bottom to make for a snug fit on the hips, cute coconut buttons to close the sleeves, it’s got pockets and even a secret pocket on the inside!
Besides looking amazing, it’s made from all repurposed materials. All the fabrics used are forgotten, rejected or vintage fabrics that we have collected ourselves by hand and heart and turned into an eco-friendly piece of art unlike any other - truly, you’ll never be able to find or make a jacket exactly like this one: this bomber is unique, just like you.
We spend a lot of time and thought into making them so they fit bodies in as many shapes and sizes as possible. Of course this piece would look different on every body; more oversized in the lower sizes and a snugger fit in the upper sizes. We're really quite proud of our designs, and we hope you'll love wearing them.
Unique clothing - only one piece like this in the world!
Uma Nomad is a sustainable fashion brand and we make our clothing only from vintage and second-hand fabrics. Because we can only make 1 piece out of every fabric we repurpose, all our clothing is truly unique in colour and print.
Eco-friendly fashion:
Repurposing and upcycling old fabrics is an eco-friendly move, as new fabrics don’t have to be manufactured and by reusing these beautiful discarded materials they don’t end up in landfill. Besides that we make all our clothing on solar power, we have a zero waste policy, and more! If you'd like to read more about our Ethical and Sustainable business practices, do have a look here!
(Almost) every day a new collection of unique pieces:
Our clothing is unique, and they go fast! So we (try to) post a brand new collection of clothing in unique colours and designs on our website, every day of the week.
Viscose or Rayon
Because this garment is made from recycled vintage and second hand fabrics that we collect from all over the world, it's really hard to decide the exact composition of every fabric we repurpose. We hope you can forgive us for this. Having said that, most of the fabrics we use are either Viscose or Rayon.
We only select the most beautiful and comfortable feeling materials. - After all these years we've gotten really good at this!
Made to fit sizes XS to L
The sister in this picture is 170 mete
Bomber Jacket 'Rame' without hood - padded
Normale prijs €139100% Recycled Fabrics • Unique in Colour and Print • Ethically Handmade • Eco-friendly • Vegan Materials
“Rame: a Balinese word which is used to describe something that is both chaotic and joyful at the same time”
Alright, we are proud of this one! It’s the best bomber jacket we could imagine,it looks so awesome! It's nice and big and super comfy, and has everything you could be looking for in a bomber: a sturdy YKK zipper, elastic on the bottom to make for a snug fit on the hips, cute coconut buttons to close the sleeves, it’s got pockets and even a secret pocket on the inside!
Besides looking amazing, it’s made from all repurposed materials. All the fabrics used are forgotten, rejected or vintage fabrics that we have collected ourselves by hand and heart and turned into an eco-friendly piece of art unlike any other - truly, you’ll never be able to find or make a jacket exactly like this one: this bomber is unique, just like you.
We spend a lot of time and thought into making them so they fit bodies in as many shapes and sizes as possible. Of course this piece would look different on every body; more oversized in the lower sizes and a snugger fit in the upper sizes. We're really quite proud of our designs, and we hope you'll love wearing them.
Unique clothing - only one piece like this in the world!
Uma Nomad is a sustainable fashion brand and we make our clothing only from vintage and second-hand fabrics. Because we can only make 1 piece out of every fabric we repurpose, all our clothing is truly unique in colour and print.
Eco-friendly fashion:
Repurposing and upcycling old fabrics is an eco-friendly move, as new fabrics don’t have to be manufactured and by reusing these beautiful discarded materials they don’t end up in landfill. Besides that we make all our clothing on solar power, we have a zero waste policy, and more! If you'd like to read more about our Ethical and Sustainable business practices, do have a look here!
(Almost) every day a new collection of unique pieces:
Our clothing is unique, and they go fast! So we (try to) post a brand new collection of clothing in unique colours and designs on our website, every day of the week.
Viscose or Rayon
Because this garment is made from recycled vintage and second hand fabrics that we collect from all over the world, it's really hard to decide the exact composition of every fabric we repurpose. We hope you can forgive us for this. Having said that, most of the fabrics we use are either Viscose or Rayon.
We only select the most beautiful and comfortable feeling materials. - After all these years we've gotten really good at this!
Made to fit sizes XS to L
The sister in this picture is 170 mete
Bomber Jacket 'Rame' without hood - padded
Normale prijs €139100% Recycled Fabrics • Unique in Colour and Print • Ethically Handmade • Eco-friendly • Vegan Materials
“Rame: a Balinese word which is used to describe something that is both chaotic and joyful at the same time”
Alright, we are proud of this one! It’s the best bomber jacket we could imagine,it looks so awesome! It's nice and big and super comfy, and has everything you could be looking for in a bomber: a sturdy YKK zipper, elastic on the bottom to make for a snug fit on the hips, cute coconut buttons to close the sleeves, it’s got pockets and even a secret pocket on the inside!
Besides looking amazing, it’s made from all repurposed materials. All the fabrics used are forgotten, rejected or vintage fabrics that we have collected ourselves by hand and heart and turned into an eco-friendly piece of art unlike any other - truly, you’ll never be able to find or make a jacket exactly like this one: this bomber is unique, just like you.
We spend a lot of time and thought into making them so they fit bodies in as many shapes and sizes as possible. Of course this piece would look different on every body; more oversized in the lower sizes and a snugger fit in the upper sizes. We're really quite proud of our designs, and we hope you'll love wearing them.
Unique clothing - only one piece like this in the world!
Uma Nomad is a sustainable fashion brand and we make our clothing only from vintage and second-hand fabrics. Because we can only make 1 piece out of every fabric we repurpose, all our clothing is truly unique in colour and print.
Eco-friendly fashion:
Repurposing and upcycling old fabrics is an eco-friendly move, as new fabrics don’t have to be manufactured and by reusing these beautiful discarded materials they don’t end up in landfill. Besides that we make all our clothing on solar power, we have a zero waste policy, and more! If you'd like to read more about our Ethical and Sustainable business practices, do have a look here!
(Almost) every day a new collection of unique pieces:
Our clothing is unique, and they go fast! So we (try to) post a brand new collection of clothing in unique colours and designs on our website, every day of the week.
Viscose or Rayon
Because this garment is made from recycled vintage and second hand fabrics that we collect from all over the world, it's really hard to decide the exact composition of every fabric we repurpose. We hope you can forgive us for this. Having said that, most of the fabrics we use are either Viscose or Rayon.
We only select the most beautiful and comfortable feeling materials. - After all these years we've gotten really good at this!
Made to fit sizes XS to L
The sister in this picture is 170 mete
Kort jasje 'Yugen' met voering | M- L
Normale prijs €67100% gerecyclede stoffen • Uniek in kleur en print • Ethisch handgemaakt • Milieuvriendelijk • Vegan materialen
" Yūgen (幽玄) is een belangrijk concept in de traditionele Japanse esthetiek: een bewustzijn van het universum dat een emotionele reactie oproept die te diep en krachtig is voor woorden."
Dit veelzijdige gevoerde variant van ons jasje Yugen zorgt ervoor dat je er schattig en toch stijlvol uitziet terwijl je boodschappen doet of de hele nacht danst.
Yügen rockt een aziatische kraag en heeft schattige kokosnootknopen die zichtbaar zijn als je de jas open draagt, en onzichtbaar als je hem sluit.
Aan de buitenkant van Yügen vind je een kleurrijke vintage sari, ons favoriete materiaal om te hergebruiken, en we hebben het aan de binnenkant bekleed met een andere hergebruikte stof; iets cools dat we hebben gevonden tijdens onze avonturen bij het bergen van vergeten materialen: oude gordijnen, afgekeurde lakens, epische sjaals of dit coole afvalmateriaal dat we verzamelen bij blokdrukateliers.
Al deze gave dingen worden met een beetje liefde en moeite omgezet in de coolste jas: Yūgen. En zo kan hij een heel nieuw leven gaan leiden.
Dit is een one size model dat in alle maten tussen M en L past
Al onze kleding zijn gemaakt in goed bedachte one sizes, we besteden veel tijd en aandacht aan het maken ervan zodat ze passen bij alle soorten en maten en lichaamsvormen. We zijn best trots op onze ontwerpen en we hopen dat je ze met veel plezier zult dragen.
Unieke kleding - slechts één exemplaar zoals deze ter wereld!
Uma Nomad is een duurzaam modemerk, we maken onze kleding alleen van vintage en tweedehands stoffen. Omdat we van elke stof die we hergebruiken maar 1 stuk kunnen maken, is al onze kleding echt uniek in kleur en print.
Milieuvriendelijke fashion:
Het hergebruiken en upcyclen van oude stoffen is een milieuvriendelijke zet, omdat nieuwe stoffen niet hoeven te worden vervaardigd en door deze prachtige afgedankte materialen opnieuw te gebruiken, komen ze niet op de vuilstort terecht. Als u meer wilt lezen over onze ethische en duurzame productie, neem dan een kijkje hier!
Elke dag een nieuwe collectie unieke items:
Elke dag proberen we een gloednieuwe collectie kleding in unieke kleuren en designs op onze website te plaatsen.
Omdat dit kledingstuk is gemaakt van gerecyclede vintage en tweedehands stoffen die we zelf van over de hele wereld verzamelen, is het erg moeilijk om de exacte samenstelling te bepalen van elke stof die we hergebruiken. We hopen dat je ons dit kunt vergeven. Dat gezegd hebbende, de meeste stoffen die we gebruiken zijn ofwel Viscose of Rayon.
Wij selecteren alleen de mooiste en comfortabel aanvoelende materialen. - Na al die jaren zijn we hier heel goed in geworden!
Gemaakt om de volgende maten te passen:
INT: M - L (EU:44)
maximale buste-omtrek gesloten: 104 cm
Het model op deze foto is 170 meter.